A custom report is a file with a list of transactions.
Report templates specify which transactions to be included in custom reports.
Creating a report template
Log in to your Mondido account.
1. In the left menu, press "Reports".
Here you can see previously created templates and create new ones. To create a new template:
2. Fill in "Template name".
3. Click "GO".
(If you have an existing template, you can edit it by clicking the pen icon or delete it with the trash can.)
Each gray box titled "Column" represents a parameter that will become a column in the report. You can add more columns by pressing the plus sign button. The order of the columns can be changed by dragging and dropping them. To delete a column, press the x in the top right corner of the column box.
Parameters can be selected from a dropdown list. You can find these in the data of transactions from the transaction list.
Here's a guide on how to fetch data from the transaction object
Press "Save template" to save the template.
Example report
Here's an example template and the resulting example report:

Export reports
Here's how to generate a report file from a report template.
Switch to the "Export reports" tab. You should land on a page like this:
A. Select time interval for which transactions to include in the report.
B. Timezone for the time interval.
C. Template to use when generating the report (see "Creating a report template" above).
D. File format of the report (default is XLS).
E. Add filters if you want to condition which data to show (see more in "Filters" below).
F. Preview of the resulting report with time interval and filters applied.
G. Press "Export" to generate your report file.
Filters can be used to condition which transactions to include in the report.
Click "Add filter option" to add a filter option. You can have more than one. To remove a filter option, use the red button to the right.
You can click on the dropdown menu to see a selection of data to filter on. Alternatively, type in the dropdown menu to search for data options.
Some useful filter options:
- transaction.status – Status of transactions. For example, if you only want to show approved paid transactions, pick "approved" in the listbox to the right.
- transaction.test – Check the box if you only want to include test transactions. Uncheck the box if you only want to include live transacitons.
- transaction.transaction_type – Payment method used. For example, if you only want to show Swish transactions, pick "swish".
- transaction.currency – Currency used. For example, if you only want to show euro transactions, pick eur.
Press "Apply" to apply the filters.
The "Reset" button will remove all filters.
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